From: [] On Behalf Of Moscardo, Gianna
Sent: lundi 10 novembre 2014 06:48
Subject: ATLAS list Fw: Call for Papers: BEST EN Think Tank XV: The Environment–People Nexus in Sustainable Tourism
With apologies for cross postings
Dr. Gianna Moscardo
College of Business, Law and Governance
James Cook University, Townsville, Qld 4811
Phone: +61 7 47814254
CHAIR BEST Education Network (
From: <> on behalf of Moscardo, Gianna <>
Sent: 17 October 2014 10:16
Subject: Call for Papers: BEST EN Think Tank XV: The Environment–People Nexus in Sustainable Tourism
Dear Colleagues,
We warmly invite you to the BEST EN Think Tank XV to be held at Kruger National Park, South Africa, from June 17-21, 2015 in conjunction with the Tourism Management Division at the University of Pretoria. Full details are provided in the attached Call For Papers. Please feel free to forward this information to interested people.
The focus of Think Tank XV is The Environment-People Nexus in Sustainable Tourism. The concept of sustainability in tourism is a challenging one, subject to much critical debate, especially with regard to finding an appropriate balance between the different dimensions of sustainable tourism. The location of the 2015 BEST EN Think Tank, Kruger National Park, offers an opportunity to explore the challenges of managing the relationships between people and places that are, or may become, subject to tourism development, including balancing social and economic needs with environmental considerations.
The focus of our collaborative think tank will lead to the joint production of outputs including teaching support materials, a research agenda and modules in the BEST EN Online Lecture series teaching module and a research agenda. As with previous Think Tanks outputs will be accessible to all (under a creative commons license) for further development and use in your teaching and research (e.g.
Think Tank Topics
Participants are welcome to present both state-of-the-art empirical and conceptual research papers providing the basis for inspiring, critical and constructive sessions. Participants can examine any or all of the dimensions of sustainable tourism including environmental, economic, social or cultural, and we encourage multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary submissions. The range of topics includes:
- Sustainable tourism and community development
- Sustainable tourism and poverty alleviation
- Sustainability issues and practice in nature, rural, eco- and/or wildlife-based tourism
- Contested use and interpretation of people and places in tourism
- Third sector and NGO involvement in sustainable tourism
- Cross-cultural issues and values relevant to sustainable tourism
- Environmental impacts of tourism
- Economic aspects of protected areas and wildlife-based tourism
- Other topics relevant to sustainable tourism research and education
We invite potential authors to submit either an abstract or full paper for consideration by the Think Tank's scientific committee. Early submission of abstracts and papers is encouraged and will expedite the review process for those needing advanced notification of the status of acceptance.
- Abstracts: An abstract should be approximately 1,000 words with a title page containing full name and contact information, and follow the structure of a full paper as outlined below. The deadline for abstract submission is February 16, 2015.
- Full Papers: Full papers should be no more than 6,000 words in length (excluding tables/references), double-spaced and in APA format. The deadline for paper submission is February 16, 2015.
Authors should receive notification of acceptance within 4-6 weeks of submission. Winner of the BEST EN Outstanding Paper Award will be selected from papers that reflect the theme of Think Tank XV.
Abstracts and full papers will go through a double blind peer review process. Final versions of abstracts and full papers submitted by May 18, 2015 will be published by BEST EN (under the Creative Commons license) in the Think Tank's electronic proceedings and will be accessible on the BEST EN website.
Further development of selected papers and abstracts may be considered for publication in either a special issue of a relevant journal or in an edited academic research book. Further details on these publication opportunities will be posted on the Think Tank XV website as they are confirmed.
Please submit your abstract or full paper by email to using the template provided at
Further Information
For more information about BEST EN and the upcoming Think Tank please go to or contact the BEST EN secretariat on
Dr. Gianna Moscardo
College of Business, Law and Governance
James Cook University, Townsville, Qld 4811
Phone: +61 7 47814254
CHAIR BEST Education Network (
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