Thursday, December 10, 2015

FW: Call For Papers: 'Locating Leisure: Blurring Boundaries' - The annual conference of the Leisure Studies Association



From: [] On Behalf Of Fletcher, Tom
Sent: jeudi 10 décembre 2015 13:59
To: ''
Subject: ATLAS list Call For Papers: 'Locating Leisure: Blurring Boundaries' - The annual conference of the Leisure Studies Association


Taking place between 5-7 July, the Leisure Studies Association Conference (LSA) 2016, hosted by Liverpool John Moores University, will challenge thinking around definitions and categories of leisure. Critical leisure studies has been founded on the questioning of boundaries such as work/leisure, agency/structure, and this conference seeks to continue this tradition. We’ll address the differing perspectives of a broadly defined ‘leisure’ from arts and culture to sport and wellbeing.


We are now accepting abstracts under the following subthemes:


Blurring Public/Private

This subtheme will explore the physical spaces of leisure experiences, those that take place in public spaces or within the privacy of the home and how these might intersect. It also looks at the future of leisure/cultural/sport policy and how this is played out in public and private spaces. This stream will also consider where those lines between publically and privately owned spaces blur and the leisure implications of this.


Blurring Offline/Online

Since the rise of public availability of the internet, people have more options in how they spend, organise, plan and commemorate their leisure times and experiences. At the launch and take-up of the internet, a trend of academic research grew that suggested online relationships were replacing offline ones. The assumption was that online relationships were stronger, clearer and more 'real' than those offline. Then, a second trend in the academic literature began that suggested that online and offline relationships blended together, the online supporting the offline. In recent years, either of these hypotheses could be true – with the added possibility that offline interactions could support those that are principally online. 'Virtuality' is in multiple facets of many people's every day leisure lives: shopping, dating, fan communities and holiday experiences. In this session we explore the potential for complex intermeshing of the online and the offline in leisure experiences, practices and relationships.


Blurring Centres/Edges

This subtheme considers the concept of the centres/edges binary in relation to physical space. For example, the notion that Liverpool is an edgy city has been explored extensively, we look at what this might mean in the leisure context. The idea that centres and edges could be located in different contexts such as access to leisure activity – this session will investigate what happens at the edges and margins of places, activities and policymaking.


Blurring Vernacular/Spectacular

We are increasingly coming to expect events and activities to be spectacular, to feed the imagination and defy our expectations. With each mega event comes an increasingly spectacular opening ceremony. This subtheme considers the relation between what is spectacular with what is mundane and the every day experiences of people. We’ll explore both the spectacular and the vernacular as well as possible synergies and intersections.


Researching leisure: Pushing the boundaries?

Presenting an opportunity to consider how we carry out our research, this subtheme looks at:

•Pushing the methodological boundaries in our research

•Challenging our ontological and epistemological groundings

•Putting theory to work in our research – what different theorists can offer leisure studies

•The relationship between our research, practice and policy

•Questions of ethics

•Historical perspectives of leisure

•Leisure legacies



Submissions of abstracts should be 250-350 words and submitted by email to by Friday 26 February 2016.

Please include the following in the abstracts:


•Proposed title of paper

•Proposed author names, position and full contact details

•Most relevant conference theme (Blurring Public/Private; Offline/Online; Centres/Edges; Vernacular/Spectacular; Pushing the boundaries?)

•Abstract main body, including background (outline of the context and/or academic literature informing the research), approach (indication of the broad theoretical orientation and/or methodological approach) and significance (description and application of the original research findings reported in the paper)

•Bibliographic references for any research cited in the abstract


Conference homepage and further information:


Kind Regards


LSA2016 Conference Committee




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