Friday, October 2, 2015

Sinergie Italian Journal of Management XXVIII Annual Conference 9-10 June 2016 - Udine - Italy



Dear Colleagues,  


I am pleased to announce the XXVIII Annual Conference of The Italian Journal of Managementsponsored by the University of Udine – Italy . The conference theme is:


Management in a Digital World:

Decisions, Production, Communication

A Meeting to Debate Management Challenges in the Digital Age


Conference Chairs

Gaetano M. Golinelli, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Claudio Baccarani, University of Verona, Italy

Andrea Moretti, University of Udine, Italy


International Conference Coordinator

Angelo A. Camillo, Woodbury University, Los Angeles, USA

Email: Tel: +18183943314


Sinergie XXVIII invites submissions on the following topics (although the conference will not necessarily be limited to these themes):


1)              Strategic and managerial decisions in the time of big data

2)              The new chief digital officer

3)              Digital strategies for the promotion of 'made in'

4)              Competitive analysis in and of digital contexts

5)              Finance and risk in the digital world

6)              New business models in a changing digital world

7)              Emerging intermediaries in the digital marketplace

8)              Changing patterns in consumer behaviour

9)              From the handicraft to ownerless productions, such as FabLab, digital makers, 3D, ...

10)          Firm size and digitisation in manufacturing and services processes

11)          Digital world and extended logistics networks

12)          Social media and consumer relations: experiences and sharing value

13)          'Internet of things' and consumer knowledge

14)          Augmented reality and new media

15)          Production of value in the digital world and territorial infrastructures

16)         Higher education in the digital world: a disruptive perspective

17)         Industry specific themes: hospitality and tourism management, etc.



Paper or extended-abstract submission

**January 15, 2016 for non-European participants

 February 15, 2016 for participants within the EU

Notice of peer-review result (only for full papers)

**March 1st for non-European participants

April 4,  2016 for participants within the EU

Submission of amended version of paper

5 May 2016 for all participants


** The earlier deadlines are set to facilitate travel arrangements for non – European participants and for those who may require an

entry visa. For travel information and visa to Italy, please visit:

or the Italian consulate near you:

Participants interested in extended stay please visit: and


Registration Fee 200 by 11 April 2016


Udine is located just a short distance from the International Marco Polo airport in Venice.  There is plenty to see and do in Undine and in Venice before and after attending this prestigious conference.


Please download the attached announcement for more information and Stay Tuned, MORE TO COME SOON.


Best regards,


Angelo Camillo
